at issue


at issue 的定义

  1. In question, under discussion; also, to be decided. For example, Who will pay for the refreshments was the point at issue. [Early 1800s]

at issue 近义词

at issue

等同于 moot

at issue

等同于 problematical

更多at issue例句

  1. But the tide was turning on this issue, an email from another constituent made clear.
  2. Like many Americans—but few Republican presidential candidates—the former Florida governor has evolved on the issue.
  3. The most recent issue contains detailed instructions for building car bombs, and the magazine frequently draws up hit-lists.
  4. “They are hypocritical on this very issue,” Shearer said about Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and other public officials.
  5. In this cockamamie get-rich scheme, would they all issue an apology if he cut a check?
  6. The place was well defended by earthworks and natural parapets, and for several hours the issue of the contest was doubtful.
  7. In one sense, then, the new issue has adequate expansibility for ordinary needs.
  8. Accordingly, the question "How far does the note issue under the new system seem likely to prove an elastic one?"
  9. From that region they issue to inflict diseases, especially blindness and deafness.
  10. Tressan was monstrous ill-at-ease, and his face lost a good deal of its habitual plethora of colour.